People from various fields of life, especially the academic sector, are constantly befuddled trying to grab plagiarism in content. A plagiarized text conventionally had some specific features that assisted an individual in detecting it right away. These attributes included inconsistent writing patterns in a single paper, trying peculiar repetitions, and excellent thoughts that a particular student isn’t capable of. The presence of such features indicates that the content is duplicated from different sources. However, the innovation in technology and easy access to modern utilities allow individuals to override such checkmarks easily.
On the flip side, this advancement has made it strenuous for a teacher or a reader to detect plagiarism in an individual’s work. But, there are some easy, simple ways that you can opt for catching piracy in content right away. In this post, we will cover these easy to perform methods of finding plagiarism in writing. Read this blog till the end for a quick and better familiarity with the topic.
Explore the Web for Detecting Copied Work
Undoubtedly, the internet is the most significant source of information in recent times. People use this medium to look for different sorts of data regarding any topic. Similarly, copycats reach the internet for copying the work of others and present it as their own. You can also benefit from the web in catching these copiers. You can conduct a search online to find original content if you doubt what you’re reading is duplicated content. There are numerous online platforms that provide free access to a wide range of research papers and blogs. You can explore them and search for the content you feel has been taken from the web. However, this procedure requires massive time, effort, and patience; still, the chances of getting the desired results aren’t confirmed.
Give Yourself Appropriate Space to Detect the Source
Another helpful way of detecting the duplication in content is through trusting your own skills. If you are a professor, researcher, or associated with the educational sector, you must know some famous online publications platforms. Moreover, the writing style, particularly the citation pattern, can provide enough knowledge about the source from where the data has been taken. It is also a great way to get aid from some professionals or colleagues in overcoming the issue. You may come up with some reliable way of grabbing piracy in writing by discussing the matter with them. Furthermore, getting access from Google can be advantageous in acquiring the best results. The process of catching the duplication can be doable with the free utility available on Google. You can download the extension of Google Plagiarism Checker on your Chrome to find the similarity in writing.
Try a Dedicated Online Plagiarism Checker
Hundreds of facilities are available online that offer their assistance in grabbing the similarity in textual work. Most of them are free, but you can also look for paid tools if you want fast and 100% accurate plagiarism check results. The credibility and processing of the tool are crucial in the success of the entire process. There are many famous platforms like rewriteguru.com that give you a highly advanced plagiarism checker that makes the duplication finding process a piece of cake for you. You only require to upload the text you want to check for duplication on this facility, and the rest of the task will be performed automatically. You will get with all the sources having the same material on your screen in a few instances. Also, the percentage of unique and plagiarized text in your uploaded content will be shared. The best part of using this method is that it doesn’t include any intricacies or strenuous efforts.
Simple & Reliable Way of Avoiding Plagiarism
Haven’t you heard of “Paraphrasing“? Well, it’s a common term that is used all over the globe.
But, what exactly is paraphrasing?
In simple words, restating an idea or thought shared by someone else in your words without changing its meaning is known as paraphrasing.
Paraphrasing is an excellent way of writing articles, blog posts on topics you are not well aware of. Also, as a writer, you might be stuck into writers’ block due to constant pressure and workload. Paraphrasing a text can be a useful way in such scenarios, especially if you have to submit the content in a given time span.
Won’t a paraphrased content come under plagiarism? The answer is a simple No! Paraphrasing is defining a concept in your words without copying any words or phrases from the actual content. Therefore, you won’t be charged for committing plagiarism if you submit paraphrased content.
Fortunately, the web has offered many advanced paraphrasing tools as well that give you the freedom of making any sort of effort yourself. For instance, the paraphrasing tool on rewriteguru.com allows you to rephrase content with a few taps on your device only. Once you upload a text on the tool, it will paraphrase it and provide you with fresh and unique content in a matter of few seconds. The textual data you will get from this tool will never be caught as plagiarized if checked from any plagiarism checker, and you will get exclusive content in no time.
Last Thoughts
Plagiarism is an unacceptable offense that can ruin the career of an individual like a plague. The information shared above will let you know the easy ways to find duplication in writing. Besides, the simple way of avoiding plagiarism can help you get rid of duplicated content and make your text fresh and exclusive instantaneously. The online platform RewriteGuru discussed in this blog is worth visiting, as it enables you to produce inspiring content. If you follow one of the ways given in this blog adequately, you can find and get rid of plagiarism without requiring any further assistance.